Rabu, 21 Juni 2023 0 comments

Biografi Singkat Imam 4 Madzhab dan Pendapat Para Imam Mengenai Pentingnya Berijtihad

Imam Madzhab adalah para ulama besar dalam sejarah Islam yang membentuk dan mengembangkan salah satu dari empat mazhab (aliran) hukum Islam yang diterima secara luas. Berikut adalah biografi singkat tentang tiga Imam Madzhab terkemuka dan kutipan mereka tentang pentingnya berijtihad:

1.      Imam Abu Hanifah (699-767 M): Imam Abu Hanifah adalah pendiri Mazhab Hanafi. Ia lahir di Kufah, Irak, dan merupakan seorang tokoh yang sangat terkemuka dalam bidang hukum Islam. Abu Hanifah menekankan pentingnya berijtihad, yaitu upaya untuk merumuskan hukum Islam dengan menggunakan akal pikiran. Ia percaya bahwa dalam kondisi yang baru atau tidak ada nash (teks al-Quran atau hadis) yang jelas, para mujtahid (ahli hukum Islam) harus melakukan berijtihad untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah hukum. Quote Abu Hanifah yang terkenal adalah, "Jika hadis Rasulullah tidak ada, maka pendapat manusia menjadi hukum."

 2.      Imam Malik bin Anas (715-801 M): Imam Malik bin Anas adalah pendiri Mazhab Maliki dan seorang ulama terkemuka dari Madinah, Arab Saudi. Ia menekankan pentingnya mengacu pada tradisi dan praktik yang telah mapan dalam masyarakat Madinah dalam menentukan hukum Islam. Namun, ia juga mengakui pentingnya berijtihad dalam memahami dan menerapkan hukum Islam. Quote yang terkenal dari Imam Malik adalah, "Siapa pun yang menemukan hadis Nabi Muhammad, itu adalah hukum bagi mereka, bahkan jika menentang pendapatku."

 3.      Imam Syafi'i (150-204 H / 767-820 M) adalah salah satu dari empat Imam Madzhab dalam hukum Islam. Beliau lahir di Gaza, Palestina, dan dikenal sebagai seorang ulama dan penyair yang ulung. Imam Syafi'i mengembangkan metodologi hukum yang mencakup pemahaman yang mendalam terhadap Al-Quran, hadis, dan prinsip-prinsip ushul fiqh. Pendekatan Imam Syafi'i dalam berijtihad sangat dihormati dan memengaruhi banyak ulama setelahnya.

Berikut adalah kutipan yang penting dari Imam Syafi'i tentang pentingnya berijtihad: "Manusia bukanlah seperti para nabi yang menerima wahyu. Oleh karena itu, jika hadis Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam telah diketahui, maka itu adalah hujjah yang paling kuat. Namun, jika tidak ada hadis yang jelas, pendapat ulama yang berijtihad adalah petunjuk yang paling kuat."

Kutipan ini menekankan bahwa ketika tidak ada nas (teks Al-Quran atau hadis) yang langsung relevan dengan suatu masalah, berijtihadlah untuk mencari solusi. Pendapat yang dihasilkan melalui proses berijtihad ulama yang kompeten menjadi petunjuk yang kuat dalam memahami dan menerapkan hukum Islam.

4.      Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (780-855 M): Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal adalah pendiri Mazhab Hambali dan seorang ulama terkemuka dari Baghdad, Irak. Ia menekankan pentingnya ketaatan pada teks-teks al-Quran dan hadis Nabi Muhammad sebagai sumber hukum utama. Namun, ia juga memahami bahwa situasi dan kondisi sosial dapat memerlukan berijtihad dalam mengambil keputusan hukum. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal pernah mengatakan, "Tidak ada yang lebih mulia daripada berijtihad, asalkan ijma' (konsensus ulama) tidak ada."

Kutipan-kutipan ini menunjukkan bahwa ketiga Imam Madzhab mengakui pentingnya berijtihad dalam memahami, mengembangkan, dan menerapkan hukum Islam. Meskipun mereka memiliki pendekatan yang berbeda dalam hal berijtihad, kesemuanya sepakat bahwa upaya intelektual dan pemikiran kritis sangat penting dalam menjawab tantangan zaman dan memecahkan masalah hukum yang baru muncul.


  1. "الفقه عند الإمام الشافعي" (Al-Fiqh 'Inda al-Imam al-Syafi'i) oleh Dr. Ahmad bin Abdullah al-Mahmasani.
  2. "الموطأ" (Al-Muwatta') oleh Imam Malik bin Anas.
  3. "أصول الإمامية وأدلتها" (Usul al-Imamiyyah wa Adillatuh) oleh Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal.
  4. "الوسيلة إلى معرفة الحديث" (Al-Wasilah ila Ma'rifat al-Hadith) oleh Imam Abu Hanifah, dikutip dalam karya-karya para ulama dan peneliti.
  5. al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, "Tarikh Baghdad" (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, 1997).
  6. Jonathan A.C. Brown, "Misquoting Muhammad: The Challenge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy" (London: Oneworld Publications, 2014).
  7. "المهذب في فقه الإمام الأزهري" (Al-Muhadhdhab fi Fiqh al-Imam al-Azhar) oleh Muhammad Mustafa al-Azami. Karya ini membahas pemikiran dan pendekatan Imam al-Azhar, salah satu dari empat imam madzhab, serta peran berijtihad dalam tradisi fiqh.
Minggu, 18 Juni 2023 0 comments

Alamat Rumah Ustadzah Ufti Adenda Aulia Aksi Indosiar

 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah wa barokatuh

Selamat datang di blog-site kami, tempat menyimpan semua buah pikiran agar menjadi bahan renungan. Setelah sekian lama tidak ada postingan, kali ini saya akan mulai kembali mengaktifkan blog-site ini. Karena banyak hal yang ingin dibagikan disini. Salah satunya adalah banyak dari netizen yang mencari dimana alamat ustadzah Ufti Adenda Aulia, Mubaligh alumnus Akademi Sahur Indosiar (AKSI) 2016. Penceramah kondang muslimah asli Kabupaten Tegal.

Ada dua alamat yang bisa dikunjungi:

Pertama, Alamat rumah Ustadzah Ufti Adenda Aulia yang berada di desa Pasangan, Kecamatan Talang, Kabupaten Tegal. Rumah beliau berada tepat disebelah barat Musholla At-Taqwa desa Pasangan.

Berikut untuk titik kordinatnya kalau kita buka dengan aplikasi google maps:


Kedua, Alamat rumah Ustadzah Ufti Adenda Aulia yang berada di jalan H. Karnadi, sebelah barat Gedung Pertemuan YAUMI, desa Trayeman, Kecamatan Slawi, Kabupaten Tegal. Rumah beliau yang satu ini berada disebelah utara Musholla Baitul Hadi desa Trayeman. Berada di komplek kawasan pendidikan Baitul Hadi desa Trayeman.

Berikut untuk titik kordinatnya kalau kita buka dengan aplikasi google maps:


Kalau ingin mudah, coba ketik di pencarian google maps "Ufti Adenda Aulia Aksi Indosiar" maka, akan muncul lokasi yang dicari. dan berikut nomor whatsapp atau sambungan seluler yang bisa dihubungi:

085865577453 (Whatsapp)
085743453686 (Mbk Maeli)

 Semoga bermanfaa !!

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarokatuh

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015 0 comments

Which is Better; Travelling in Groups or Traveling Individually?

Travelling is one of the activities which has become a priority option for everyone. Usually, they will go for their journey after they have spent much time in their daily activities. There are two types, which are travelling individually and travelling by groups. In my opinion, travelling by groups is better than travelling individually, due to two reasons, which are it will makes friendship stronger and they will have guide during the trip.

To begin with, travelling is an activity where some people do to fill their time with others. Travelling by groups probably provide them with away to firm up their relationship and make friendship stronger. Sometimes, they don’t have knowledge in great quantities about the journey, but by travelling in groups, they can get a lot of information from their friends about the destination of travel. For instance, when we go to the famous places of recreation, one of us will tell about it according to its historical-side. Thus, travelling by groups makes friendship and also makes the trip so funny.

Next, travelling is an activity where some people usually feel strange. However, by travelling in groups, they do not feel lonely because there is a guide during the trip. Surely, asking help from someone who they know can be better than asking it from another people. For example, when they are burdened by financial problems during the journey, so, travelling by groups makes it easier to look for help.

In conclusion, travelling by groups is better than travelling individually, because travelling in groups firm up relationship and provides guidance during the trip. Finally, it is suggested that travelling in groups have many advantages and should be done more often.


Many Children are Encourage by Their Parents to Get a Part-Time Job in Their Free Time, What Do You Think?

Nowadays, working has become an activity that everyone must do. With a job, they can earn much money for their daily necessity. Surely, working requires strong physique, great ability, and good quality of knowledge. In my opinion, many children shouldn’t have a job in their free time, because it may disturb their time for studying and their physique isn’t ready for working.

To begin with, having part time jobs for many children may disturb their time for studying. Actually, some children can’t understand a lesson in the class and they need to repeat the lesson again until they really understand. However, it is difficult for their teacher to do something better in the class. Therefore, they should find other time outside the class. They can ask or make appointment with the teacher to improve their skills. For example, there are many activities like having a discussion, studying in group, engaging private teachers, taking a course, etc. So, if they have a part-time job, it may disturb their time to focus on their study.

Next, the children’s physique isn’t read for working. As said, working requires strong physique, great ability, and good quality of knowledge. Most children prefer to play and do anything without thinking. Moreover, they can’t manage time optimally. If they have a part-time job, it may make them lazy to study and look tired. In fact, no employer should recruit the children. Thus, the children do not have strong physique and unready for working.

In conclusion, many children shouldn’t have a part-time job in their free time, because it may disturb their time to focus on their study and the children do have not strong physique. They are still not ready to get a job. It is suggested that the children should prepare themselves to do something better in the future by focusing on their study first.

School Examination Results Determine an Individual’s Success in The Future

            Success is one thing that everyone look for. However, to become successful people, they must pass it in the most difficult way. That way probably can vary and complicated depending on the people’s aim. In my opinion, it is disagreed that school examination results determine an individual’s success in the future because of two reasons, which are examination results is only a symbol and success is caused by good result of applying the knowledge in real life.

To begin with, school examination results are only symbols and the real key of success in people’s life is the effort. Surely, good examination results have become a dream for a majority of student. They will be very happy if they can get it. However, to get a good result, they only prepare the strategy. May be they will only focus on the examination subject. Sometimes, after passing the examination, some of students feel free and probably they will forget everything about the subject. For instance, Bill Gates, the inventor of Windows, who dropped out from his university, and Thomas Alva Edison, the inventor of lamp, who his teacher said to his mother that he was a stupid boy. They were success people. They became a successful people, even if they did not get good results in the examinations in their school. It means, that good result in the examination are only symbols and it is not compulsory to pass the level in the school. So, the real key which determines success is not the school examination results, but people effort.

Next, success is caused by good result on the realization of knowledge in real life and not determined by school examination results. Although most people believe that good examination results determine the position of the job, the realize that the best experience is the most important thing that they should have. Without the realization of knowledge, they can not solve the problems. That we will say that people should know how to apply their knowledge in real life. For instance, some people become unemployed after graduation because they don’t know how to apply their knowledge. Thus, the best one to determine success is the good result of applying the knowledge in real life.

In conclusion, school examination results do not determine an individual’s success in the future, because it is only the symbol of rating in schools and success is not only determined by good examination results, for the good result is the realization of their knowledge in real life. It is suggested that people shouldn’t  look down on others depending on their school examination results. Maybe the poor one will become more successful in the future than the good one.


Studying the English Language in an English-Speaking Country is the Best Way, but There is Other Best Way to Learn Language, Do You Agree?

Language is one of the ways to communicate among the people. Without the language, they can't understand what the others mean. Nowadays, majority of people use the English language to connect with others in other countries. Therefore, we should know which one is the best way to study the English Language. In my opinion, it is disagreed with the topic that there are other ways to learn the English Language in the best manner except in an English-Speaking country because of two reasons, which are it will help them to study faster and it may make them interested in the language.

To begin with, studying the English Language in an English Speaking Country will help the people to study faster. Certainly, making an English area will improve their knowledge about English Language. Some people say that learning the English Language is very difficult. However, after they do that, they can improve and practice English in their daily activities. In fact, there are many countries which use the English Language as the second language and we see the people in that country are very familiar with English. So, studying the English Language in an English-Speaking country is helpful.

Next, studying the English Language in English-Speaking country may make people interested in the language. Some people do not learn an English Subject because they say that if they learn an English language, it wouldn't be useful because their environment do not support them to apply the language. However, if they study in an English area, they will feel better and make them interested in the language. In fact, majority of people who study in an English-Speaking country read a lot of books in English language.Thus, studying the English language in an English speaking country may make them better.

In conclusion, studying the English language in an English-Speaking country is only the best way because it will help people to learn faster and easier, and it may make them interested in the language, as well as they will feel better than other ways.

Kamis, 14 Mei 2015 0 comments

Learning the History Subject is Important

History is the information about the past events. Surely, everything must have a history. Learning the history means learning about the most important thing that is all around us, such as the culture, tradition, society, and religion. In my opinion, it is agreed that learning the history subject is important, because of two reasons, which are increasing the knowledge and learning from the past mistake to correct the future.

To begin with, learning the history subject increases the knowledge. History extends a lot of information about the culture. Actually, culture is one of the most important assets resulting from history. Therefore, learning the history gives an impression to respect a culture. With a lot of historical knowledge that we have, we will already be accepted in different communities around the world. For instance, when we meet the people in another country with different culture, we will know how to interact with them and tell them about their culture in the historical-side. Usually, they will be very happy. That means we appreciate their culture. So, learning the history subject increases our knowledge and suggests us to respect another culture.

Next, learning the history means learning from the past mistake to correct the future. Learning the history probably gives us a lot of information about the black and white of the experience. By finding out the mistake of an incident or experience, it can be easy to solve the problem. Certainly, we don’t want that mistake to be repeated again in the future. To illustrate, when we have a bad incident by a mistake, we will go again and try to stay away from the mistake that we have done before by learning the history of the accident. Thus, learning the history gives us many advantages in the future.

In conclusion, learning the history subject is important for us because it will increase our knowledge in great quantity and teach us to correct the past mistake to become good action in the future. It is suggested that learning the history subject should be done more often and must be known by everyone.  
